您当前的位置:学习一百教学频道免费教案英语教案小学一年级英语教案【教学设计】Unit2 Numbers the fourth period(上海版牛津英语1a)

【教学设计】Unit2 Numbers the fourth period(上海版牛津英语1a)

【教学设计】Unit2 Numbers the fourth period(上海版牛津英语1a)

Oxford English Book 1A

          Book 1A  Unit2 

the fourth period

一.        教学说明

1.            通过这阶段的英语学习,学生对英语有较大的兴趣,平时,能主动读英语给老师听。

2.            学生对于一些较相近的字易混淆,如four, five; fine, five; ruller, rubber.等等。

二.        教学内容:

1.            认知内容:

1.      听懂指令并做出相应的动作或应答。

Show me four.  Clap three.  Say six.

2.      学会使用问句:How many……?

3.      学会有节奏地念歌谣。P11

2.            能力要求:

根据周围环境会问答:How many chairs? Four chairs.

3.            情感态度:


三.        教学步骤:




P       Purpose



1.      Warming up chant

1.      Read the chant. The teacher shows the rhyme with the help of castanets.

P3: One, one.

T:  Run, run, run!

PS: Two, two.

T:  Go to the zoo.

PS: Three, three.

T:  Swim in the sea.

PS: Four, four.

T:  Stay by the shore.

PS: Five, five.

T:  Find a beehive.

PS: Six, six.

T and Ps: Pick up sticks .

PS: seven, seven.

T:  Go to seven Eleven.

PS: Eight, eight.

T:  Stand by the gate.

PS: Nine, nine.

T:  Form a line.

Ps: Ten, ten.

T:  Catch the hen.




1. Open your__.

Close your__.

2. I can see…

1.T: Open your pencil- box, please.

P1: I can see two pencils.

2.        Practice in pairs.

P1:  Open your book, please.

What can you see?

P2:  I can see…


While-task procedure

1.Introduction and imitation

Show me__.


1.  Put up one finger and say: Show me one.

2.  Pupils copy.

3.      continue with ‘two, three,…and ten’ with pupils copying.

4.      Game: Say and act.


能力能力强的学生可边做动作边说Show you one.

2.      Introduction and imitation



1. Clap and count ‘One, two,……ten’.

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