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【人教课标选修9】Unit 2 Sailing the oceans

【人教课标选修9】Unit 2 Sailing the oceans  to train the student’s ability of listening and speaking and writing

Contents :  some language points

1〉   starvation : n. suffering or death from lack of food die of starvation

starve : vt/vi (使某人)饿死、挨饿

starve sb to death

phr:  starve for sth to do sth

be starved of vt 缺乏……欠缺……

2> gradually :    adj not suddenly

    gradual :    adj happening slowly

eg : a gradual increase in population

Her health is gradually improving

3> tear : vt/vi 撕裂扯破

tear sth

sth from /off /out of… …

adv (away off out up down 连用)

phr  tear apart 拆散、使分离

tear at 用力扯

tear down 扯下、撕毁

tear into 攻击某人、指责

tear off 扯掉、撕掉

tear oneself away from 忍痛离开、分离

tear up 撕裂、撕毁(合同)

4> extreme : adj 1在尽头的

eg : the extreme borders of a country

Stand at the extreme edge of the bank


an extreme case

be in extreme danger


take extreme measures

n. 极端、极端的、措施、手段等

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