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【人教课标选修9】Unit 2 Sailing the oceans

【人教课标选修9】Unit 2 Sailing the oceans 5.   survival: n. state of continuing to live 生存、幸存                                                          survive: vt.  sb survive 某人幸存下

    sth survive 某物保留下来

vi.  survive sb by 活得比某人长… …

    survive sth 从… … 中幸存、幸存于…

eg : Only one baby survived the terrible car crash .

The girl survived her parents .

Survivor n. the person or thing of surviving .

6.       dusk n. time before night

          at dusk 在黄昏时刻

Period three : comprehending and language

I Comprehending

Read the passage and answer the following questions .

1 . What is the use of a bearing circle . astrolabe , quadrant or sextant ?(    )

What is the use of a compass ? (   )

A to set the course of the ship

B to measure the position of the ship

C to measure the speed of the ship

D to tell the time

2. Why are speed and time important in working out the longitude of a ship ?

3. Why is the position of the sun and various stars useful for working out latitude ?

4. Suppose you were a sea captain aiming to sail round Africa Discuss in groups.

  (1) what skills would you seek in your sailors ?

(2) what problems would you anticipate for this journey ?

II Learning about language

Do exercises 1 . 2 and 3

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