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【人教课标选修9】Unit 2 Sailing the oceans

【人教课标选修9】Unit 2 Sailing the oceans 1.       voyage : n. long  journey ,  by sea or in space

2.       mercy : n. kindness ; forgiveness

phr : at the mercy of : under the control of 任由… …的摆布

without mercy 毫不留情地

The beat was at the mercy of the rapid river .

     For mercy ‘s sake 请发慈悲

For Cod’s sake

3.       nowhere adv .not anywhere 无处

eg : I went nowhere 不知来自哪里,以不知名状态

go nowhere vi 无所成,进行得不顺利

get sb nowhere 某某事对某人无帮助、元效

4.       reference n. act of mentioning ; act of looking at for information .

phr : (1) have reference to 和… …有关系

(2) in reference to 关于

(3) make (a) reference to 说到 谈到

        (4) reference book 参考书刊号

        (5) reference material 参考资料

        (6) with reference to 关于 就… …而论 whit reference to the context

vi  refer:  refer to (a) 指的是 (b)参考 (c) 提到 谈到

       refer to A as B 将A称为B

    eg : Are you referring to me ?

        In his speech, he didn’t refer to the problem at all .

        He cooked dinner by referring to a cookbook .

        California is referred to as the “ Golden State .”

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