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6B Unit 6 Planning for the weekend 优秀教案之一

6B Unit 6 Planning for the weekend 优秀教案之一

牛津小学英语6b教案——unit 6 planning for the weekend第一课时
一、 教学内容:    6b. unit 6 b部分,look, read and learn
二.教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词picnic, play, take part in..
2.   掌握会话中出现的三会单词concert, outing, beijing opera show, singing contest, sports meeting.
3. 能初步运用所学的词汇进行交流what are you going to do...? we're going to...
三.教学重点:1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词picnic, play, take part in..
2. 能听懂、会说、会读本单元出现的动词词组。
四.教学难点: 能初步运用本课所学语言描述将要发生的动作。
五.课前准备:1. 准备本课b部分的课件及录音机和磁带。2.  黑板上预先写好课题 unit6 b部分 look, read and learn
六. 教学过程:
step1 organization
1.warm up
1) listen to a rhyme: seasons.
2)everyday english(s→ss)
2.free talk ---师生自由交谈,
  t: good morning, boys and girls.              ss: good morning,
  t: nice to see you again.                      ss: nice to see you, too.
  t: what day is it today?                       ss: it's ....
  t: what date is it today?                      s1: it's ... of ....
  t: what's the weather like today?                s2:it's....
以“seasons”为主题,做一个对话表演或编一个小短文。step2  presentation and practice
1. 教师用课件播放有关周末活动的动画,让学生对教学内容有个感性的认识。然后拿出一些关于周末活动的图片(可使用b部分的教学图片),老师通过在黑板上贴图的方式创设情境向学生介绍周末活动。
t: here are some pictures of some weekend activities. look at them carefully. what are they doing? what is he/she doing?
2.让学生在小组中自学picnic, play, take part in.,concert, outing, beijing opera show,
singing contest, sports meeting.,然后搞一个“little teacher”活动,使其获得成就感,然后让其他学生参与评价,老师通过个人说、集体说、小组说、开火车说等形式,检查学生的掌握情况,最后给予总结。2. 学生听录音,跟读模仿。3.教师继续引导:what are you going to do this weekend?
i am going to have a picnic. i am going to ....
step3 practice and consolidation练习和巩固1.活动:look and act--- 教师和学生说出词组,其余学生用动作表示。2.游戏:look and guess--- 教师或学生做某一动作,全班学生竞猜what are you going to do?或who is going to...?
七.布置作业:1.听录音,用正确的语音语调朗读本课词汇2.抄写要求四会的单词和词组八.板书设计:unit6 b部分look,read and learn
牛津小学英语6b教案——unit 6 planning for the weekend第二课时
一、 教学内容:    6b. unit 6 a部分,listen, read and say
二、教学目标:1   能正确理解、掌握a部分会话,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2   能正确地运用对话中出现的日常交际用语is that gao shan? yes, speaking.  
by the way, what are you going to do...?
3 初步掌握会话中出现的四会单词plan
4. 掌握会话中出现的三会单词still
四、课前准备:1  准备录音机和本课会话的磁带。2 准备本课会话的投影片。3 玩具电话4 多媒体课件5课前写好本课课题6b. unit 6 a部分listen, read and say
五、教学过程:step1 organization
1.warm up
1)学唱歌曲: will you join me? 本歌曲是本单元的新内容,课前学习既可以营造学习英语的氛围,又可以为新知识的学习作铺垫。2)everyday english(s→ss)
2.free talk: a telephone call
师生以打电话的形式自由交谈,渗透is that ...? yes, speaking.用 do you like...? can you ...?what do you do on ...?等句子谈论各自的爱好所能,为引出本课内容do you like volleyball? can you swim? what do you do on sunday afternoon?做好准备。在师生自由交谈中,引出打电话形式,学习is that ...?的答句yes,
speaking.并适时运用一般将来时。如:t: do you like basketball?          s: yes, i do.
t: i like basketball, too. i'm going to play basketball this afternoon.
step2 presentation and practice
教师可将课文分为两个部分教授。1.本文对话的引言部分。教师出示david和 gao shan打电话的多媒体课件(上有日历显示为周六,天气暖和,阳光灿烂)。1)学生自由描述或交谈。2)听录音介绍场景。3)听录音回答问题,在讨论中学习单词plan.

>>《6B Unit 6 Planning for the weekend 优秀教案之一》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.ybf100.com网]www.ybf100.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。 2.对话部分分两个层次进行教学。1)第一部分重点了解david和 gao shan周六下午的活动安排。(内容在p46)在引言的基础上,教师可通过提问的方式导入课文对话部分。where is david doing?         what are they going to do?
where will they meet?教师通过提问what are they going to do?引导学生有目的地听课文的前半段录音,然后学习词汇still.最后通过填表格来完成本部分的学习任务。who

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