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I’m from China.(人教版四年级上册)-教学教案

I’m from China.(人教版四年级上册)-教学教案
  1) Look at the pictures carefully.

  2) Fill in the blankets.

  3) Check the answer.

  ① China       ② UK      ③ USA

  4) Read the passage after T.

  My name is Wang Ming. I’m ten. I’m from China. Jack and Ted are my friends. Jack is from the UK. Ted is from the USA.

  5) Read it together.

  2. Part 2 Read and spell.

  1) Look at the pictures carefully;

  2) Read and spell the words;

  F  football, fish, France.

  3) Ask some Ss to teach them;

  4) Find more words beginning with “F”:

  Friend, food, fool, fox, …

  Step 3 Drilling and practice

  1. Activity 4 Listen and chant.

  1) Listen to the tape;

  2) Read the sentences;

  Where are you from?

  Where are you from?

  I’m from the UK.

  Where is it?

  It’s far away.

  Where are you from?

  I’m from the USA.

  Where is it?

  It’s far away.

  2. EB.

  1) Finish the exercises;

  2) Check the answer.

  Step 4 Consolidation

  1. Read the passage together.

  2. Read and write the words;

  football, fish, France.

  Step 5 Homework

  1. Read the dialogue and try to recite it.

  2. Find 10 words beginning with “F”.

  3. Revise unit 7.

  4. Preview unit 8.
I’m from China.(人教版四年级上册)一文由ybf100教育网www.ybf100.com搜集整理,版权归作者所有,转载请注明出处!

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