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【人教课标选修7】Unit 4 Sharing

【人教课标选修7】Unit 4 Sharing  


Period Four for Learning about and using language.

Teaching Aims: 1. Review the attributive clause.

             2. Review useful words and expressions and structures.

Contents:     1. The person to whom you nodded just now is on holiday.

             2. The woman whose daughter came back from the US is over there.

             3. The reason why I didn’t finish my homework is that I had forgotten it.

             4. I’m really dying for a glass of beer on a day like this.

             5. They were all waiting there, thirsty for news.

             6. It took him a while to adapt himself to the new job.

             7. The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a contribution towards the lives of people who really need it.

            8. I won’t ever forget the day when I came to this school.

II. Complete the paragraph with words or phrases from the reading passage.

   Sharon looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. Her hair was _____ all over the place. She smoothed it down with a wet comb. She thought about the time when she had met him three months before. He was the nicest boy she had ever _____. He had rung her often but now she hadn’t ______ him for two weeks. Why not? She decided to find out. She walked down to the _____ to catch the train. She felt both excited and nervous. She was ______ see him again but what if he didn’t want to see her?

>>《【人教课标选修7】Unit 4 Sharing》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.ybf100.com网]www.ybf100.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。

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